Chrisjen Avasarala

Chrisjen Avasarala is a character from The Expanse.


A master politician and maneuverer, she achieved one of the highest ranks in UN government without ever standing for election. She manipulates those in the highest seats of power through careful cultivation of relationships with the spouses, friends, and staff nearest to them.

Chrisjen belongs to a longstanding political dynasty on Earth, dating back to the early days of planetary exploration and colonization. Martian separatists assassinated her father during a period of social unrest. Her son, a marine, died in the line of duty while defending Earth from Belter revolutionaries.

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Two – Dark Matter


Two, aka Rebecca, Portia Lin, is an advanced synthetic illegally created by Dwarf Star Technologies.

She escaped the research facility, killing many scientists and security personnel, to become the captain of the Raza, a ship of pirates and criminals.

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Kai, Last of the Brunnen-G – Fighter


Kai is a crew member of the Lexx.

Kai died trying to defend his world, Brunnis-2, from His Shadows’ forces. His Shadow had is body “de-carbonized” and turned into a Divine Assassin, a nearly unstoppable killing machine in the direct service of His Shadow.

2008 years later, Kai is awakened by the most recent Divine Shadow in order to prevent the hijacking of the Lexx by heretics. During the fight, Kai regains his memories and his free will, and so joins Stanley Tweedle, Zev Bellringer and 790 onboard the Lexx.

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Zev Bellringer – Bard


Zev Bellringer is a crew member of the Lexx.

Zev grew up in box at the wife bank on B3K. She was taught ways to please a man by holographic teachers. She had no contact with real humans. When she was finally ready to leave the wife bank, her husband called her a cow so she punched him. She became a prisoner of His Shadow where she was sentenced to become a love slave. During the love slave transformation her DNA was merged with a Cluster Lizard. The increased strength allowed her to break from her restraints. She made her way to The Lexx and escaped to The Dark Zone with the other fugitives.

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Max Makhrov

Turn Google Sheets into Database

Khepera Publishing

The Greatest Little Game Company that could

Story Forge 7

Homebrew content for all RPG use

Later Levels

XP comes with age

A Geek Girl's Guide

A Geek Girl’s Guide is one geek’s corner of the internet, where she shares her love of her favorite geeky things.

The Hannie Corner

Reading Books and Playing Games All Day

Bubbling Brew - D&D Homebrews

Free for testing and feedback - Thank you!

Allison's Projects

Beating my game backlog, D&D creations & resources, gaming mods and apps

RPG Character Sheets

Downloadable pre-generated RPG characters