Phoebe Halliwell


Phoebe Halliwell is a character from Charmed (1998).

Unlike her sisters, Phoebe embraced her destiny as a Charmed One. However, as the least rule-abiding one of the three sisters, Phoebe frequently saw magic as a tool, which led her to often break the most basic of Wiccan rules: magic is not meant to be used for personal gain, and reap the karmic consequences.

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Pree – Killjoys


Prima “Pree” Dezz is a character from Killjoys.

Pree is the owner and operator of the Royale, a bar in Old Town frequented by Dutch, John Jaqobis, and D’avin Jaqobis. Pree provides the three killjoys with free drinks in exchange for their services in keeping the peace in the bar.

Before arriving in Old Town, he was a criminal for being the leader of the Ferran outlaw mercenaries who were former soldiers (conscientious deserters) from corrupt wars.

Pree is ready to settle down with a good man in the town that he’s claimed as his home but he’s willing to help his friends one last time.

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Riley – Sense8


This is an RPG conversion of Riley from Sense8.

Riley is an Icelandic DJ who is haunted by her past; she became involved in the drug trade after moving to London.

Riley believed she was “hexed” and blamed herself for her mother’s death, as well as the deaths of her husband and daughter. Continue reading “Riley – Sense8”

Perrin Ostgood, Dragonbound Sorcerer


Someone I loved died because of a mistake I made.

I tried to steal a powerful artifact from a copper dragon to revive my love.

The dragon caught me but was so impressed with my jokes and stories they let me use the artifact.

In return for their help the copper dragon bound me to them and now I am imbued with their power as long as I return periodically to regale them with stories of my adventures and add to their hoard.

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Gabrielle – Xena: Warrior Princess


This is an RPG conversion of Gabrielle from Xena: Warrior Princess.

Gabrielle was born in Poteidaia but was unhappy with her life. When Xena saved her from slavers she snuck away in the night to follow her.
Continue reading “Gabrielle – Xena: Warrior Princess”

Max Makhrov

Turn Google Sheets into Database

Khepera Publishing

The Greatest Little Game Company that could

Story Forge 7

Homebrew content for all RPG use

Later Levels

XP comes with age

A Geek Girl's Guide

A Geek Girl’s Guide is one geek’s corner of the internet, where she shares her love of her favorite geeky things.

The Hannie Corner

Reading Books and Playing Games All Day

Bubbling Brew - D&D Homebrews

Free for testing and feedback - Thank you!

Allison's Projects

Beating my game backlog, D&D creations & resources, gaming mods and apps

RPG Character Sheets

Downloadable pre-generated RPG characters